December 14, 2012

It too is a day that will live in infamy. This is the day “Sandy Hook” became a National known like “9/11”. You don’t have to explain it. Everybody knows what happened.

And unfortunately it became the day that showed we cared more about a damn gun that took the lives of so many babies than babies themselves.

The possession of your GUN outweighs the life of all those babies? And  please don’t give me that same tired argument that mental illness is the cause. Of course Mental Illness is the reason ANY person would even think of such a thing let alone carry it out Captain Obvious!

BUT IT WAS THE GUN AND THE BULLETS THAT KILLED ALL THOSE BABIES. And perhaps had he not had that type of weapon SOMEONE may have been able to stop him. MAYBE! But out of all the mass shootings carry out with semi automatic weapons, how many were stopped by a “good guy with a gun”?  The only good guy with a gun that stopped a mass killing, I know of, was a lot of cops.

Just because you take a gun safety course and get a piece of paper that says you can carry a gun,  you better pray to whatever God you believe in that you are never in that position. Unless you have killed a man with a gun before, the ONLY course that can prepare you for that is one in which someone is shooting BACK AT YOU! It aien’t  like in the movies. Most people will freeze and the others end up shooting someone they didn’t  intend to.

It’s time for all the anti Planned Parenthood  GUN OWNERS to stand up and show the same PASSION FOR THE SANDY HOOK BABIES.

You want to SAVE babies, then help PASS LAWS that may prevent another Sandy Hook!

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